Lent Study Invitation: “My Body is Not a Prayer Request”

Dear Friends,

As we prepare for the season of Lent, we invite you to join us for a meaningful study based on My Body is Not a Prayer Request: Disability Justice in the Church by Amy Kenny. In this book, Kenny offers a powerful and timely reflection on how the church can better support those living with disabilities, and how we can all move away from harmful narratives about our bodies and our worth.

This Lent, we’ll explore how to honor our bodies—not as something to be fixed, but as a sacred part of who we are, created and loved by God. Through Kenny’s insights, we will deepen our understanding of disability justice, challenge the harmful idea that our bodies exist solely for others to “pray for,” and discover how we can live out a more inclusive, compassionate faith.

This study will be a time of growth, reflection, and community as we seek to understand how we can better live into the full dignity and worth of every body. Whether you have read the book or are new to its message, all are welcome.

We look forward to walking this journey of faith and justice with you this Lent!

In Christ,
Pastor Jonathan Hall

Details for time and date of study are yet to be determined. Stay tuned for more information.

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