REACHING UP to God in Reverence 

Worshiping Him. Worship is how we express gratitude for His love and his care for us. This is how we ask for His guidance, help in healing, and patience through suffering. It is in worship that we receive all our blessings.  We REACH UP so that God may reach down and touch us, be in work in us and through us.

We have a style of worship with something meaningful for everyone — blending traditional and modern elements throughout the service.  Dress comfortably.
You’ll be right at home in anything from shorts,
to jeans to business casual or your best dress and hat.

Because we are always striving to build meaningful,
long-term relationships with the church and its people, through every means possible,
Mountain View United Methodist Church (MVUMC) Sunday Worship includes:

Hospitality “Coffee Hour”  prior to worship services, Adult Sunday School
Sunday Service Including a Special Children’s Message (when children are present)