Join us as we take a look at our brothers and sisters, their faith traditions and why they believe what they believe.  Workshops will begin on October 27th through November 24th at 2PM, and will continue each Sunday culminating in a joint Interfaith Thanksgiving Service on November 24th.  Study will cover Judaism, Islam, Bahai and Hinduism.  All are welcome to participate in this learning series.

October 27th Rabbi Bernie Kling – Judaism
November 3rd Charles Lohman-Islam
November 10th Venkat Venkateswaran – Hinduism
November 17th Susan Jones – Baha’i Faith
November 24th Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

Please bring a non perishable food item to be donated to the Old Town Mission food bank.  An offering will be taken and donated to the Verde Valley Homeless Coalition.

For more information, please conatct Susan Jones at 928-274-6289 or

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