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                                                              Hours of Operation
                                           2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month
                                                         8:30 AM to 10 AM
Donations are always welcome.  There is a drop box in front of the sanctuary doors.
(Please only non perishable items in the drop box)

What began over 20 years ago as food delivery to a few families from the trunk of a car, has grown to a Food Bank operated from the church twice a month. Mountain View reaches out to our neighbors, the residents of Christian Care Apartments as well as individuals or families in need throughout the Verde Valley.  The Food Bank routinely serves almost 50 families representing 100 individuals.

Our Food Bank doesn’t receive any state or federal money or subsidies but relies on the generosity of local organizations and donations of the congregation for the Food Bank effort. A caring team of volunteers help stock and distribute food items.

Recipients are able to choose from the pantry shelves of non perishable foods (soup, peanut butter, rice, beans, canned meats, pasta, cereal, etc.) as well beverages and toilet paper.  Individuals can also get fresh produce, bread and frozen meat.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.”  Matthew 23:35